YoDa FOrCe sToRm

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comradedickbutt 126

I kind of hate Force Storm so I wanted to try to build a Yoda-based version of it to really abuse it. I haven't actually played this deck yet so I'm not sure how well it actually works but if I ever end up with 2 Moxies and a Force Storm on Yoda, well...

11 comentários

KyloSpren 204

fOrcE StORm iS BalAnCEd

comradedickbutt 126

Someone suggested Strong Intuition to aid in acquiring Force Storm, not a bad proposition at all. Most of the events in here are just designed to keep Yoda alive long enough to get the big dumb nasty happening. Force Mystic is a pretty ideal non-unique, given that her special works well with Force Storm and also it allows me to move it to Yoda if she goes down before him, or vice versa via Immutability.

blogster 1006

How is it legal to have 4 Yellow Hero Cards? rather just one, like the villain card?

You have 2 Easy Pickings and 2 Moxie, While Enfy is supposed to only give you 1 hero card.

comradedickbutt 126

Yoda and the force mystic are hero characters so it's a hero deck. The marauder allows for one villain card in a hero deck or a hero card in a villain deck.

Strog 885

You should definitely take a look at Jedi Holocron if you want to draw that Force Storm :)

Fresck 240

and also more targets for moxie and force mystic's ability, since he can redeploy! For example force wave or some things like that? Instead of melee weapons

Darth_Joe0822 115

I feel It Binds All Things would benefit this deck a lot more than (2) Honed Skills. Lots of upgrades there.

Dojibalin 7

I refuse to play a force storm with Yoda

Echo7 328

I'd suggest Decoy to keep Yoda alive longer (it also shuts down the Snoke ramp). Also Strong Intuition as suggested by @comradedickbutt, and even possibly Respite, Insight, and maybe even Treasured Lightsaber as it's a great chain target with Yoda.

I'd definitely try to play the Force Storm on the Force Mystic as it keeps it in the game much longer. You can still chain off Yoda while he's alive and if he dies and the Force Mystic dies, you can redeploy the Force Storm to the Marauder (keeping the resources stacked on it of course).

Atomisk 18

I built a list with a similar goal and I second @rogue6548 in that you need a way to protect Yoda because he definitely will be the target in this list. For me, Draw Attention was what I ran.

I would also 2nd @Strog on Jedi Holocron. It's pretty good for the purpose of digging for a force power.

comradedickbutt 126

Great suggestions! Decoy and Draw Attention make sense, although I'd probably drop an easy pickings in that case as the marauder is the only one keeping that active. `@rogue6548 you're right re: the mystic, the goal is to get it on her to draw attention from Yoda whilst still doing Yoda shenanigans with the die. The original focus of this deck was to use sticks to distract from the special sides, and vice versa, in fact I started with one die Yoda and two Marauders with BTL instead but this seems more efficient. Force wave and the holocrons would be good in a more ability focused deck for sure.