Maul Phasma

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Maul Phasma 1 1 0 2.0
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saifrc 7

Still fine-tuning this deck. Reylo can still be a tough matchup, but a well-timed Tactical Mastery into Intimidate or Frighten can be devastating. The list does fairly well against 3-wide decks, due to the combination of Maul's power action, Fear and Dead Men, and Sudden Impact (although I've been considering trading the Sudden Impact for a second copy of FaDM).

I've also been considering trading a Respite for Fresh Supplies, so that I can still roll in Phasma, but the deck has actually been doing more or less okay without needing Phasma's die in the early game: the extra resource and the card draw are very worthwhile, especially if it gives you the 3-cost saber you were looking for. In the late game, after Maul gets focused down, Phasma can close out a game with the aid of a redeployed Dagger of Mortis and/or a non-Maul's Lightsaber.

I love Fighting Pit - Mimban in this deck. I considered Theed Royal Palace - Naboo and Salt Flats - Crait, but Fighting Pit is a great way to recover from a bad roll out with Maul. Your opponent will generally be making the choice, and it's appropriately a tough one.

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