Captain Planet II - Rise of Binks

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Derivado de
Captain Planet 0 0 1 1.0
Inspirado por
Masteren Mace - "Mesa Pallo!" 0 0 0 1.0

TurkeyClubSamich 118

This version of Captain Planet has some significant changes from the original version, notably the addition of elite Jar Jar Binks - Clumsy Outcast, who offers soft mitigation, two cheap dice, and access to yellow. The battlefield is now Canto Casino - Canto Bight, which is particularly useful for re-rolling upgrade dice in pairs, with the possibility of getting bonus resources in so doing. I removed some of the healing in favor of more ramp, and in the absence of Lightsaber Mastery, two Fatal Blows were added to the deck. Finally, the upgrade suite was tweaked to focus more on dealing damage, and making sure that all the weapons (proper) have redeploy.

Be prepared to play a very long game.

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