Last Hope Vader - Stronger than ever

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mrw0lf 76

Discard to reroll, that's the name of the game.

2 dmg is not good enough unless it guarantees a kill, always reroll for 3 and 4 (especially if you have Fear and Dead Men in hand).

It's a very fast version, almost no upgrades and a Vader's Fist just in case you end up with enough resources (it happens like 1/3 of the time, basically when you don't have anything to play in the first or second turns or you roll 2 resources and don't want to discard any of your cards to reroll).

Maul's Lightsaber, Darth Vader's Lightsaber or Niman Mastery, choose one or two at best because you won't be able to play more than 2 upgrades. Playing the upgrades is NOT a priority, it's better to use the resources for the Events. Use the upgrades if and only if you don't have anything better in your hand.

Mulligan: Keep Respite and Fear and Dead Men, mulligan the rest. With Respite in hand you can keep one (and only one) of the upgrades. Always mulligan Vader's Fist no matter what, it's useless first round. If you get it after mulligan, just discard it to reroll.

Always try to Claim to take advantage of Fresh Supplies, Seize the Day and Reach The Stars, DISCARD AGRESSIVELY so you increase the chances of getting StD and RtS starting on turn 2.

The mitigation package is the standard, nothing to comment there.

Always choose your own battlefield and use it agressively. Remember, 2 dmg is not enough!

That's all, thanks for making Lord Vader great again!

2 comentários

Carsox 7

HEY MAX good to see you're still in it for the WIN. GET THE BREAD. Hope the divorce went well... :c Keep going champ!

mrw0lf 76

Lol @Carsox, I think I'm not the person you think I am, I'm not Max. But best of luck to your friend and I hope its divorce is going well ! :c