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501st 30
This deck is geared towards passive playing for the first few rounds, but then attack viciously. You want to get out Shien training first, and keep it on for a few rounds, until you have enough resources for the 3 cost Falling Avalanche. When you have enough resources, use the Shien training special to play Shien Mastery, and try and get a melee side. Use Falling Avalanche to do a surprise 7 damage, then attack aggressively from then on. If you don't get Shien Mastery, use the assortment of weapons and curses to whittle them down, while playing defensive. Against mill, use only the Shien combo, as the weapons and curses will be to slow to effectively deal with mill. A good starting hand would be 1 Shien training, 1 curse, 1 support of any kind, and 2 removal cards, if running against an agro deck, preferably use trap the blade and pincer movement, any others against any other type. Advice is welcome!