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Epic Force 7

The idea is to transform Anakin Skywalker - Reckless One as quickly as possible and keep him alive the longest. The Youngling is there for cheap upgrades that will redeploy. You can kill him for theme if you like or if you need a quick kill. Dangerous Maneuver and Draw Attention will help keep Anakin(Darth Vader - Driven By Angeralive. Dex's Diner is in here in case Anakin takes some damage and needs to heal and Luke's Protection is designed to give him a shield before he activates so that the damage he deals himself doesn't take. Also Steadfast and Taken by Surprise are in here to get a quicker kill. Nullify and Pacify are both great removal cards, especially when he flips to Vader who is going to remove all the shields anyway. Darksaber, Hired Muscle, and Diplomatic Immunity all have great sides for when he flips to Vader. The other weapons are mainly redeploy so you can hopefully get multiple uses out of them. Generally, while Maz is still alive, you'll want to roll out Anakin first, then hope to hit on her side to turn Anakin to the 2 or 4 pay 1. This will hopefully also lead to a quick kill for Anakin.

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