Faltering Allegiance, the best thing since Old Town Road

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Faltering Allegiance is the coolest most best thing since Ol 0 0 5 1.0
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LordCalcium 24

I'm so glad that the destiny community has taken it upon themselves to totally dilute the game we all used to enjoy! I love how they banned the actual FFG cards, citing "rotation", and replaced them with awesome new cards like Saw's RPS-6 Rocket Launcher, I mean have you read the text of that card!? It is poorly written, repetitive, and just poor. I'm all for continuing to enjoy this game, but not at the cost of the game's integrity. This set turns the game into a bad joke, and I hate to see it. You'll see me around playing Destiny, but I won't buy into the lie being pushed that this is the new legal, this is the new standard, it's not. If you're reading this I ask you to please, have standards, see through this nonsense., t

5 comentários

KyloSpren 204

Solid 5/7 on the commentary.

LordCalcium 24

@KyloSpren ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Dice of Failure 822

@KyloSpren don't mock. He has a point.

Our true and pure FFG would never print a card so poorly written and ineffectual as Saw's RPS-6 Rocket Launcher. FFG printed exclusively amazing, S-tier cards that never needed immediate errata or clarifications. OK? We're talking staples of tournament decks like:

Lead from the Front

Uneti Force Tree

Mysteries Of The Force

Sinjir Rath Velus - Ex-Loyalty Officer

Custom Paint Job

Nar Shaddaa Thief


Talisman of Resurrection

Crushing Advantage


Moving Rocks

Tico Pendant

Rebel Hangar

Canto Bight Security


Crime Lord

Rebel Cache

Maz Kanata - Canny Negotiator

Smuggling Ring

Savage Opress - Reckless Warrior

"Mauler" Mithel - Vader's Wingman

Pillio Star Compass

Token Of Affection

Nexus Of Power

Flame Projector

T-16 Skyhopper

Bardottan Sphere

Jabba The Hutt - Renowned Gangster

Trusted Informant

I could on and on, Kylo, but I think I've made my point. And if you ever bring that lazy dogshit, drooling, troglodyte, cuck-snowflake, libtard, simp, beta analysis around here again, I swear I have you sit down against by Sinjir/Shadaa Thief deck and whoop your puny wimpy white-knight ass with whatever garbage-tier trash you're playing from this "renewed hope" garbage.

More like "piece of shit" hope. Am I right, @LordCalcium

LordCalcium 24

@Dice of Failure I think I had a seizure reading that... you need help big dog... have you ever thought about seeing someone to deal with this anger you have bottled up? Also, there's a difference between bad cards and unreadable garbage. Also please don't bring that Uneti Force Tree misreading here, anyone with a IQ of at least 4 knows what the card means. That being said you're in here defending renewed hope and using the term "cuck-snowflake" so......

Dice of Failure 822

@LordCalcium Big Dog here. I'm on your side. How could I understand something as confusingly worded as "Resolve this die against yourself as if it were not showing a modifier"?

Like wtf is that.