Calamari Warfare

Simulador de compra de cartas
Chances: 0% – 0% mais
Derivado de
Military Catfishing! 2.0! 16 13 5 1.0
Inspirado por
The Squid and the Princess 0 0 0 1.0

Rebels Cantina 5

Calamari Warfare

This deck has been a favorite of ours to use in local OP, facing well known decks as well as many variations of aformentioned decks.

The deck itself is a variation of Military Catfishing 2.0 (link in the description)

It has gone the distance (Rocky VS. Apollo-type distance, coming down to the wire) against the following:

  • Vader/ Raider (1-0)
  • Rey/Han Ambush Aggro (0-1, came down to the last dice roll)
  • Dooku/ Grievous (1-0)
  • Stormtrooper x4 (0-1) - Defeating Stormtroopers 5 times after two Endless Rankspops, with the last 'trooper going down to 3 HP)
  • Ackbar/Leia (2-1, one blowout win, two close games)

Decks we've gone undefeated against: Mill Decks

  • Jabba/ Dooku (3-0)
  • Jabba/ Vader (1-0)
  • Padme/ QGJ (1-0)

We are planning to use it in an upcoming tournament in late February.

Let's get to the set-up

Battlefield: We stuck with Imperial Armory because the already cheap one cost upgrades become free or worse case scenario, you get a two cost IQA-11 Blaster Rifle!

First hand/ hard mulligan:

Scout is super essential because it will allow you to not only view their hand and plan accordingly, it will force your opponent to play low cost cards faster, pressuring them into situations. Even if you don't roll it's special, you can focus into it's special.

Natural Talent is great for early game damage, focus, as well as Ackbar's discard.

Undecided card:

  • Comlink - The main reason we have these cards are for mitigation. You can re-roll any number of your die and an opponent's die, and they're good placeholders for IQ-A's and other exchanges.

If you already have two or three one cost upgrades on your characters, it only costs one to exchange and play the Comlink and force the roll any number of die you decide.


  • Block (Luke/Rey, Vader/Raider)
  • Dodge (Jango/Veers, Rainbow Deck)
  • Rearm (a second one)

Though these are nice alternatives, we find that Block and Dodge are costly. However, if Jango/Veers or Rainbow Deck rolls 8, 9 or 10 damage, it's a wash if you play Dodge. Same goes for Vader/Raider and Block

Cards that may be questionable to others:

Because they require the battlefield, these cards are sometimes dismissed for others. However, since there are two Hit and Run, that, if played correctly with It's a Trap!or All In, you basically resolve 4-8 die in one turn and can claim the battlefield earlier than if you had to resolve die one by one.

You'd be surprised how often this combo occurs. Even All In or It's a Trap! use your die in one turn. Therefore allowing you to play one cost cards in your hand if claiming isn't necessary.

As far as the Black One goes, you may or may not add a second one. If Black One is discarded, it is not the end of the game. It's super situational and you do not want it early because you're forced to save resources and can instead be playing a ton of one cost cards.

It's nice to have later on if you can afford it and your characters are already upgraded.

Things to keep in mind:

Always keep track of where and how many ranged icons your opponent has. Even if you're facing a Force deck, remember that Force Throw and Force Training have ranged damage sides.

This is a game changer because once they roll one of them, you can play It's a Trap!, change all of your die and watch the fireworks.

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