$Cashbar$ and the Hyperloop

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n00biE 25

Deckidea from http://swdestinydb.com/decklist/view/6881/ackbarmoneybags-1.0

Tweaked the deck heavily with the inclusion of the Hyperloop combo. The deck is designed to combat current meta decks. It has a positive matchup vs Luke Ackbar , Vader Raider and Jango Veers. Mill is no problem with this deck. The real question is how it fares versus Jango eBala Trooper, wich requires more testing. Disarms, dodge and Falcon are MVPs in this matchup.

How to play:

First turn: Usually you will go for a big money setup. Getting out Falcon turn one is the best play you can make regardless of the Matchup. Choosing between developing your board or playing control can be hard. Only go for the control route if they have a god roll wich you can mitigate to the point where they cant one-shot 1 character.

Rest of the Game: You are playing from behind versus most decks. The goal is to slow them down until you stabilize. There will be a point, where they need to react to your 3 damage Hired guns and Falcon dice. When that happens, you are in a comfortable spot to win the game.

One additional note on the Hyperloop combo: Hyperspace jump is a great card on its own once you can start claiming the battlefield ( After your first 1-2 Characters are dead) or to deny god rolls from your enemy. Dont try to force the combo. If you draw Hyperspace Jump early, just pitch it for a reroll. Until now, there is no "Graveyard" -Removal in the game, thus the combo is allways active while Hyperspace Jump is in your graveyard and Falcon in play.

Conclusion: In my opinion, this is an upgraded version of the original decklist and the standart Poe-Hyperloop deck. It is less focussed on the Hyperloop combo to win the game and has improved matchups vs Ranged Aggro decks compared to the op Decklist ( Unpredictable , Dodge, Hyperspace Jump, Disarm)

16 comentários

stingzor 13

I'm going to try this version. Not very optimistic since I played the "Money Bag" and felt ashamed of its performance once people decide to go for my resources. This version is even more dependant since it doesn't have those big ass jetpacks while not looping. Just wondering, why not flank?

n00biE 25

If this deck fits your playstyle, you are going to love it! Im currently 9-0 vs Luke Ackbar, 2-0 vs Jango Trooper Trooper, 7-1 vs Vader Raider, 2-0 vs Jango Veers and 1-0 vs Jango eBala Trooper. I dont count the other "random" matchups but im 27-2 or something overall. I play my games mostly online on Tabletop Simulator versus competent players like tiny grimes. Getting your resources disrupted is not a problem at all. First, they can only disrupt OR deal dmg. I had games where vader rolled 4 Disrupt on 2 Dice and took away 4 Resources because i was saving for Falcon next turn. I thought i would loose that game but i did not. He lacked damage while i just used my 2 Resources each round and Ackbar to focus the Hired guns onto dmg and kill vader turn 4. The most difficult thing about this deck is when to switch gears from the damage game to the mill game. You need to count their Deflect s and play around them. If you play versus a Yellow -Red deck, allways roll falcon first as they cant do anything except electroshocking your Special or 2 Resource Side. There are so many important decisions and plays i need to write about when i have time but overall i am very impressed of this Deck As to your question: In my opinion, 1 cost removal is overrated. I talked about this topic with Jason Flanzer who is a world class tabletop- and card gamer and he agrees on that statement. Additionally, flank is a dead card once your first 1-2 characters die. I could elaborate more, but honestly i dont want to write 20 sentences about removal in this game. Maybe if this thread starts going and there is more interest in the topic

stingzor 13

Would be nice if you could provide your insight on 1 cost removals. I've been trying to get into the game but it's been a true pain to only get 3-1, 3-2 and never make it to top4 because of the Jango / X meta. We are about to start those promo tournaments where I live, and it would be really nice to get the cards heh.

Hennessy 40

Hi. I am playing mono-red and money bag decks for some time now and I am well aware of hyperloop principle, still I am trying to figure out what you made here. Basically puting the events aside, lets start with the equipment choices:

Datapad for resources and "focus", Cuning for focus, discard and special, promotion for focus and draw and first turn drop. I miss scout in this deck (I believe it would be better?). Hunker down and Second Chance are Captain Obvious here. Thermal Detonator - why only one? And I understand you can not paly it against oponent using cuning.

So if I understand correctly. The survivability of the deck is tremendous, which I experience by myself in moeny bag deck. Still, apart of the Falcon (including reversal trick) and HG dice, there is no damage at all. Therefor do I understand correctly, that damage is used only as sidekick to weaken the opponents deck and his pressure, but the goal here is to win through discard? Why there is no Launch Bay if this is the case?

As for the events - Dug In - can you even use it outside of looping? Unpredictable is shit IMO but ok, rest I understand.

Are you able to finish the game in 35 mins?

n00biE 25

Alright guys, i will try to answer your questions: First @Hennessy:

  • Starting from the Moneybags deck, i cut all the unnecessary equipment like Jetpack. Jetpack is an amazing card but it only makes us more vulnerable to Spot removal (Electroshock etc.) as it has only Modifier sides. The spots in this deck are extremely tight. The only flex at the moment would be Disarm. Disarm is an amazingly underrated card but its less of a control tool then a tempo card, if you are familiar with those terms. Also it doesnt hit key cards like Force Choke One with The Force etc. I tried 8-10 variations of this deck, with and without the hyperloop.
  • Regarding card choices:
    • Set the obvious choices aside, the two questionable slots are, like you said, Promotion and Thermal Detonator. I tried both Promotion and Scout and like Promotion more. In theory, Scout is way better. You can strip enemy Removal and other key cards. On the other hand, Promotion provides you with an early cantrip. That means, it replaces itself and thus you see more cards in the beginning of the game when you need to find your Millennium Falcon and other tools to win. On the other hand, i had to play around Deflect so much, that i will consider testing Scout over Promotion again. Promotion is better in the Jango matchups. Finding an Unpredictable out of Promotion or a Falcon is huge and won me atleast 5 games. Now, Thermal Detonator is a meta call. 3 Character decks are on the rise and once people realize how strong eBala Jango Trooper is, the meta will evolve around that. Aside from that, you either pitch it for a reroll or you use it for its discard side.
    • Regarding Damage: You are right, apart from Falcon, Hired guns and Reversal, there is no dmg at all. But thats a 33 % for 3-4 on Falcon a 33% for 2-3 on each Hired gun not counting all the focus. Reversal is at its peak, when your oponent has few strong dice like a vader for example. The card doesnt look strong in theory but is fucking insane. Reversal on a Jetpack or 3 Damage side is so backbreaking. Versus Jango decks, it is slightly less important / more difficult to play as you have to know, when to Reversal a 2 dmg die and when not. When you are able to Setup the following: Falcon, Cunning, Reversal in hand and/or in Graveyard the game is 90 % over versus Luke Ackbar, Han rey and Vader Raider.
    • Regarding the Win Condition: You allways start going for damage. You cant win with mill, when they have all characters left. There are 2 Scenarios: 1) To deal damage through your control, they burn so much cards, that it is just easier to mill them, then to kill them. This is especially true when they kill your Hired guns first! 2) You need to play around Reversal or Deflect. And thats it. I win 50 % of my games off of mill and the other half through dmg.
    • Regarding tournament time limits: Yesterday i played versus Tiny Grimes. When i told him, that i was playing Hyperloop, he asked for timed rounds. He was playing Kylo Dooku and we finished the game after 31 minutes with me Milling him. Half of the game he was holding onto 1 Resource and 1 Deflect. He burned quite a few cards shielding dooku until i killed him. I had Ackbar and the falcon left and he had only 4 cards in Hand and 3 in his deck. So i went for a quick mill off a focus chain with Datapad that led to 3 Mill from Falcon and 1 from Ackbar. I got lucky in the end because he had a Feel Your Anger in Hand and i didnt roll a Blank with a 60 % or so chance to do so. But to be fair, he had quite a god start off of holochron, so that compensates that.

n00biE 25

Now, to answer @stingzor s question and regarding @Hennessy ´s statement that he doesnt like unpredictable:

  • Removal in this Game: Destiny is quite unique of a card game regarding removals and Game mechanics. I will explain all the concepts in general, as most of the Decks dont play the Resource game like this deck does! You have a static Resource curve, gainin 2 Resources every turn. Now, the problem with "Removal" in this game is, that you want to develop your board early. Most of this developing comes from 2 cost Equipments. If you choose to hold back for an electroshock in the first 1-2 turn, you are most likely going to loose. Although you made a good play and mitigated damage, you did not develop your dice and play from behind the following turns. I learned this the hard way, loosing 5-10 games with my original Dooku Jabba control deck until i realized, that you just need to eat the damage. You just need to ignore most of the things your oponent is doing turn 1 -2 in Order to develop a winning strategy! Now, the reason why i put the word Removal in " " above was, that cards like Electroshock are no Removal. They remove dice that will come back the turn after. If you compare this to games like Magic or Hearthstone, the difference is gigantic! In Destiny you spend 1 to DELAY a dice 1 turn. In Hearthstone for example, you pay 1 to deny 5-10 Resource Drops. Wasting his complete turn and getting rid of that card forever! So the only card, that is a true removal per definition in destiny is Disarm ! It gets rid of a card permanently. So, to some it up: You only have 2 Resources each turn, wich you need to develop or you fall behind too much. Removal is in truth Delayal of dice. That makes 2 cost Removals and 0 cost Removals the best options! You either need to be able to control your oponent WHILE developing your own board, OR you have a board and want to controll many dice. Thats where cards like Dodge Hyperspace Jump and Mind Trick come in. Those are Blowout cards! You create a tempo swing wich is what defines a deck. Aggro/Tempo decks want to gain Tempo in the first round and never let go off it. Midrange decks (some Han Rey builds, Vader Raider) want to setup for huge value plays that swing the tempo in their favor in the mid game. And control decks do the same in the late game. The funny thing is, in order to swing the tempo in this deck, 1-2 characters need to die. Thats the point when you start claiming and make them react to your Dice whilest holding onto Mass Removal in the forms of Hyperspace Jump and Dodge. The fact, that you can loop Hyperspace jump is just the top of the cream and not the reason it is included in your deck. Whenever you play versus blue for example, dont choose Emperor's Throne Room ! They will crush you with mind probe and force chokes. Finally, a quick note on this deck regarding removal: Many of the above concepts do apply to a money deck but not all of them. There are times where you will get 3-4 Resources turn 1 and have no Falcon in Hand. Just spend 1-2 on Removal and make sure you have 3 Resources at the end of the turn so you can set up for falcon. If u dont get it turn 2, do the same again, spending money on Reversals and Hired gun Dmg sides.

n00biE 25

@stingzor Regarding tournament play: It is all a meta question. What decks are played in your local store and how good are the players? If you really want to win, buy tabletop simulator on steam for 20 $. It is easy to build decks and you will be able to test alot. If your meta is all Jango- x, go with Ackbar Trooper Trooper and learn the deck. Its one of the most difficult decks to play and the only reason it is not considered top tier is, that you can not pick it up and have good results. Flanzer himself told me, that he was 25-1 playing Ackbar trooper. His only loss coming from a god roll Luke Ackbar deck. On the contrary, a Jango deck plays itself most of the time. Bad players can have good results, as it is a oneshot deck wich snowballs off of good dice rolls. Every deck is dice dependent to some degree, but playing jango veers feels just bad when you are not rolling good. Furthermore, in my opinion, half the tournament winner decks on this website are absolute garbage. Thats not because i think my deck is so amazing, but because i was shown a true next level Decklist from Flanzer wich includes an uncommon Jango Pairing nobody plays. You have to be aware, that Jango is the most broken card in the game right now, but Jango Veers is ironically the worst pairing with him. You can build decks that win with bad dice and just auto win off a god roll.

Hennessy 40

Thank you very much for the replies, it helped me quite a lot to narrow my thinking about the deck from 42 card list to something like 32-34. I will try some mutation of it today on mini tournament (I am thinking about adding one Launch bay and pair of Scavange ont he account of some cards you have), however I expect there is one eKylo/Vader deck with Throne Room which will be really hard to play against.

I suppose the Jango pairing you mean is either Kylo (insane holocron abuse with jango combined...) or Bala-Tik, which just now only miss some cards to be really crazy.

Hennessy 40

Oh, I just found out that you can play Jango + two Raiders. So no balatik, but this is my tip for mono yellow villain.

n00biE 25

No problem, glad if i can help. Have you tried the deck as posted above? Do that, before you start tweaking. Launch bay and Scavenge seem very good but are win more cards. That means, that they are only usefull in situations where you are already in a winning position. You will never be able to loop second chance in time. Out of 30 games, only once did i manage to play both second chances. When they focus both hired guns first, you will not have 2 dead cards, but 4! Launch bay can be a substitute for Thermal Detonator but i will advise you to keep the dug ins. Wait until your first character is dead until you play the claim game and go for dug in. The card is key for your survivability until you slam down your second chance. Some additional tips: In a melee matchup, use your "dead" hunkers not on the character that gets focussed, use it on another one! Greedy opponents will focus the other guy with melee damage to get rid of your hunker and if they dont, you get 3 shields for free. Dont try to save the first focus target!

The two strongest decks of Jango in no particular order:

  • Jango eBala Trooper
  • eJango eJabba

Both decks were designed by Jason Flanzer and altough many players have discovered those combinations, the card choices from Jason make the decks so good. From what i saw on this webpage, there is not a single good Jabba Jango deck wich is suprising since you can build it around the concept that instant damage is broken in this game. Every move can be foreseen, especially with dice on the board, but if you have 7 bad yellow dice on board and your opponent rolls his Vader with 6 damage on him feeling safe and then you slam down a Fight Dirty for 7 is just dirty.

Hennessy 40

I want Scavange for some different approach there. I cant hold the 3-5 cost cards in hand against that eKylo deck with throne room. I already played against him once and he picked the expensive cards o his special which are usually the ones that stays in your hand. Therefor, i will recycle them and use 0 cost scavange in turns when I really want to play it to get them back. Launch Bay / Dug In I understand.

n00biE 25

I can understand your logic behind the scavenge approach, but honestly lets count the odds of kylo hitting you for 5. Kylo has two dice with a 1/6 chance for special. Thats base 33 % not taking focus into consideration. And then he has a 1/4 - 1/5 chanco to hit you for 5. That makes an 8 % chance to deal 5 damage. Now, with focus these odds will increase. Generally spoken, if kylo would be able to get his special off every turn, he would deal an average of 1,63 damage per turn to your characters because thats the average cmc of my deck. These numbers even get lower because he only has a short time-window to ressolve the die. You will NEVER have Falcon in your opening hand and not play it. Out of 30 games, this happened once due to a Han rolling and ressolving 2 disrupt through ambush. So i honestly dont understand why you would be scared of kylo.

Hennessy 40

So I just finished the mini-tourney, went 2-1. The deck was the same you have with the exception of: 2 Dug In out for 2 Scavange and 1 Dodge out for 1 Launch Bay, 2 Promotion for 2 Scouts. So my 2 cents:

1 game: Kylo/Vader (Throne Room) - loss. Won roll, went second, 2 shields on Ackbar to lure opponent on him. The main thing was, that despite the full mulligan I ended with both Falcons in last 10 cards in deck, so no show from them during whole game. No chance to win, but I would loss anyway. Opening hand was Launch Bay, Logistics, Scout, last two I do not remember. Played Scout, rolled 2 resources. Opponnent rolled special on Kylo, something on Vader, he played It Binds All Things and Force Training. Finished with two cards in hand, one was logistics, one Bay. He used special, hit the Bay. I played Logistics and played out Bay in turn 1. Turn 2, he played Force Throw, so in combination with the site, Launch Bay was locked. I decided to roll it with 3 cards in hand, so result is still mediocre from Bay and opponent is not willing to claim to throw it back for 5. Anyway, Ackbar died by damage from Vader and Kylo, since this point, it was rather quick, he chew threw 2 second chances and I was set in defensive position. This was really far from close match. However, he really got good start and I played bad + no Falcon.

2 game - Jango Veers (Frozen Wastes) - win Lost the roll, went second anyway :D. Not too much to say. I was not able to get through him by damage. It really takes time to set up your play. I abused him with hunker downs, Falcon turn 3 (no show before again), Bay in mid game. I really missed some damage to get him as he consistently played Dug In and rolled Armor on Jetpacks all the time. He died by milling.

3rd game - Kylo/Jango (I do not remember his bg). Won, gone second. Falcon turn 1. Anyway, against Jango the game was slowed down again and it took a lot of turns to get his Jango down. I milled him afterwards, as I was consistently discarding his hand since the turn 2.

I have to say, that blue Villain with Kylo is the worst matchup with this, especially if they also have Throne Room, so you can not chose other battleground. However, the deck is fun and the learning curve is astronomical. It is by far really not easy deck to play, I made huge mistakes through the game, and played it for sure wrong, as there was many decisions I should not make. It is good deck, not broken however (I find only Red Hero and some Jango versions in good hands broken tbh). I also did not found myself abusing the combo too often, maybe once or twice in each game when Falcon was in play. As from the winning scheme, the easiest and most probable is to kill 1 character and than mill the opponent from my perspective as you will be really in late game than and milling i usually safer than trying to roll the sufficient damage. The toughest challange is to get under 35 min rounds.

Anyway it is something I am willing to continue to explore. It is really solid deck where you try the opponents skills to maximum. Its either - they are able to kill you, or not at all and they will run out of options.

stingzor 13

Thank you for answering the questions, I really appreciate it. Just wondering, does Jason provides decklists or does he keep it to himself / friends?

n00biE 25

@stingzor No he doesnt provide them to the public. He gave me the list after we talked about gametheory and played a game. So if you meet him in tabletopsimulator, you can allways ask i guess.

n00biE 25

@Hennessy Well its up to you wheter you want to play the deck or not :D Its just that my record with it is so suprisingly good, that i consider it a top 3 deck and im waiting for the first tournaments in my lgs to back up my claim.Like i already said: I played the kylo matchup once versus tiny grimes and had no problems despite a late Falcon and a turn 1 holochron from his side. Only time would have been an issue if he managed to remove my discard dice last turn.