Rebels With A Cause 109-0 LOL Jango Veers Killer

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Nerdw/themouth 7

If you know how yo use "It's a trap". It is a simple win. Stack Leia With all Red weapons. And let it rip. If they are using any range it's a done deal. You also got "Hit and run" to capitalize on fast damage. If all your opponents characters are not close do being gone by turn 4 you are moving to slow.

I know, I know, "but what if you are going against all melee or a mill deck" This is when a few things come to play. You still stack Leia fast. Use "Hit and run" when you equip her with some upgrades.

If you have a "Leadership" in hand you exhaust Poe to ready Leia again to run the gauntlet on your opponent. Also take advantage of Poe's special when used.If you get the battlefield, keep pulling them back in when you claim.

Also if they have no range use its a trap for money. No matter what they will roll money. This is you backup plan vs Melee and Mill. You start putting out you expensive supports to do all your work.

It isn't perfect but using those methods will help you win quite a bit and this destroys Jango/Veers easy.

Try it out and let me know.

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