Hanney Rolo

Simulador de compra de cartas
Chances: 0% – 0% mais
Derivado de
Nenhum. Deck feito pelo autor.
Inspirado por
Ninguém ainda.

cazro 27


6 comentários

krzykoopa 1

This looks just like this other deck I seen yesterday, 1 of a bunch of random cards except 2 cards are 2 of. Instead of misspelling description you should have said hot garbage.

cazro 27

@krzykoopa Cool so let's see some of your decks. You talk a lot of talk. Time to grow up out of your mother's basement. You are such a sad, pitiful, individual.

krzykoopa 1

@cazro "time to grow out of your mothers basement" you are like a cartoon character LOL

Ultimate 1

@cazro The funny thing is...after looking at your decklists and you claiming them to be from "IRL cards" I know you have 2x of certain cards, yet you choose to run 1 ofs. You have 2x Deflect, 2x Riposte based on your other lists, but I guess you say to yourself "fuck it" as your making these lists. Let me just run 1 of every card I can find to see what happens. I am 100% confident if decks had no size limit you would make a 100x card deck running every possible card you legally could. Please go back to runescape or something that requires zero skill. Which I still know you would have a hard time being decent out. Get up off you chair, walk over to your closet full of VHS tapes which I Know you have, grab your favorite Disney movie.... and oh yea, throw out your destiny collection if you didnt yet

cazro 27

Wow you people actually are starting to flatter me with how much attention you're giving me. This is great, keep going. I love it. The 13 year olds you retell all of your kek adventures to will think you're actually being witty.

krzykoopa 1

@cazro Email alerts.. when you comment and tag me etc. I get them.. you would somehow find that flattering. KEK adventures .... If English is your first language what a fail. "Shut the fuck up you pathetic lover" -Cazro 2017