Sith Apprentices

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Sith Apprentices 0 0 0 2.0

Brandonious 222

These two hit hard! It's a pretty aggressive aggro blue build. I'm excited to ACTUALLY play with Darth Vader - Dark Apprentice!

Sith Apprentices - a deck all about the specials!

2 comentários

Moophisto 455

Full disclosure - while I have years of experience in other card games, I've only played SW: Destiny for a week, so if I'm way off let me know and I will take no offense.

How often do you actually get to use rise again? I feel like it runs counter to what being an "aggressive aggro" build. And, while a 5 heal is nothing to scoff at, the high cost I would think makes it hard to play without an enabler like premonition.

Additionally, I feel as if doubt is awfully controlly for what this deck wants to do.

Have you considered something like No Mercy or even Use the Force? I also wonder if a second Use the Force wouldn't be better than the Force Illusion (neverminding how absurdly rare/in demand that Force Speed is!)

Brandonious 222

Thanks for the feedback!

Rise Again was difficult to use. The time or two I got it off it was absolutely game changing, but it only happened one or two times. Doubt was in the build originally for some extra mitigation

I have actually come and gone on this build. I modified it a couple more times, but I think I've come to conclusion that I do not like Kylo Ren - Vader's Disciple. I really wanted him to be something other than one of your first starter characters. While this deck can hit hard, it has too many weaknesses. It's too resource heavy. Vader's ability puts him down too quickly, even though it's completely worth it in my opinion. And the floor and ceiling of the build is so inconsistant its frustrating. So in other words, I am completely over this deck. LOL.

I just really wanted to use emo Vader and Force Lightning. I'm not a fan of this build.