"Whatever It Takes"

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Twin Assassins 16 12 6 2.0
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storngtrooper 34

Taken from Twin Assassins by Spookly.

Notes to self:

The deck wins by being fast and ideally resolving dice before the opponent can do anything about it. To that end, try to play Fast Hands ASAP. Fast Hands and Holdout Blaster should be in your opening hand. If you use a different battlefield than Ewok Village and you're facing a shield-reliant deck, get Fast Hands and On the Hunt. Infamous helps and is also a contender for an opening hand, but I would ditch it to find Fast Hands.

Build up Jango first so your opponent will focus on him.

The deck can't survive a long game. It's ok to ditch events for rerolls or Aurra Sing. For example, ditching Fight Dirty for Aurra's ability is better than keeping it in your hand.

If you have Lying in Wait mid-game, resolve Aurra and/or reroll to empty your hand, then play Lying in Wait to make them discard for a sort of control. Don't do this against mill decks. EDIT-removed because I don't have it, derp.

From Spookly's deck, there were suggestions to remove Cunning for Ascension Gun, which I've done.

There were also suggestions to switch Personal Shield for Armor Plating, but that was contested with suggesting to remove events first due to needing dice on the field for effects. I removed them because Armor Plating is just a little bit faster.

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storngtrooper 34

Notes from playtesting: Against other fast aggro decks, I almost always got outpaced in damage if I didn't get Fast Hands in the first two turns. This deck puttered out against wide, four-character aggro decks. I haven't tested it against a mill deck. I can confirm that replacing Personal Shield with Armor Plating was a good decision against fast aggro decks. I imagine Personal Shield would've benefitted me more against wide decks. Whenever my opponent realized Aurra was priority one, and if I didn't have any way of protecting her, the deck crumbled really quickly.

I also replaced On the Hunt with Doubt. I realized I already had shield removal with the battlefield, and Doubt is good for handling die showing 3 damage. I could go either way though, since I won't always get my battlefield. But against decks where it matters, like Han-Rey, they probably won't have too many character die for that first roll-off.