Secret Lovers

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Obi Mill Second Chance + Ammo belt 0 0 0 1.0

borghe 291

This is in the process of testing, but I really liked the thought of a Obi Padme mill. Against two character decks and with luck you can even have an alternate defeated win condition. Thoughts on included cards:

Only two cards are Yellow character only. Goggles are spot Yellow. This means you are not locked in to having to upgrade only one character.

War Torn Streets IMHO plays better than Command Center. Command Center is dead at the end of the game, whereas War Torn Streets could potentially lead to a win. As always, always take shields unless taking your opponent's battlefield is disaster for you.

Planned Explosion - Definitely the one card on the bubble. I just feel we have so many 2+ die faces that 0 cost to eliminate an opposing character (and damage) is too good to pass up. Also enough other damage floating around, on top of being a mill deck meaning your opponent is way less likely to shield up, that taking out a character shouldn't be a problem.

Acension Gun - An ok control card, but also 33% discard sides if we took shields.

Con Artist - SoR's staple mill card and rightfully so. One of the best cards in the set.

Lone Operative - Expensive as all get out but that it can be used on Obi or Padme is incredible. Eat a die with Obi then heal it off of him.

Double Dealing - This deck is expensive.. fortunately there are enough special sides that it seems worth it to grab some free money. Getting these out on turn one before rolling Padme almost guarantees breaking even.

Noble Sacrifice and Patience - This is Obi's end game. Activate to roll out, remove a die to take lethal damage, play Noble Sacrifice to exhaust an opposing character, then on THAT defeat hit Patience to mill them out.

Rebel - We have sooo many good cards to recur, and so many ridiculous discard sides, this seems like a no brainer.

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