Poe Han specials

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Poe Han specials and guns 1 0 0 2.0

cjnj193 265

So Han Solo - Independent Hotshot is like Hondo Ohnaka - Respected Businessman except he actually deals damage late game. Special chaining is still really cool and we got some cool new weapons that punch people in the face. Let’s go Poe Han!

2 comentários

Ramin2-D2 550

i think the Cannon is not worth it. maybe add in Second Chance.

Emperor Throne Room is awesome. but also worth trying might be Theed Royal Palace.

cjnj193 265

Actually with the games I played I found Handheld L-S1 Cannon was the 2nd best upgrade only because Poe Dameron's Blaster is so good on Poe. I also found the deck is fast enough and Poe is usually the first target, so you don’t need Second Chance, though it’s possible there are some higher output decks I haven’t played against.

I went thru a few revisions since this version, deck feels really good right now swdestinydb.com