Poe Han specials and guns

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Poe Han specials 1 0 2 1.0
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Poe Han aggro 1 0 0 3.0

cjnj193 265

So Han Solo - Independent Hotshot is like Hondo Ohnaka - Respected Businessman except he actually deals damage late game. In addition the interaction with Poe's special and Improvised Defense I think is something that should be utilized more. Other then that special chaining is still very satisfying, so yeah.

At this point I am mostly concerned with what upgrades I want to run. I swapped Black Sun Blaster Pistol for Canto Bight Pistol since Poe is usually the first target and black sun feels bad without redeploy. Rocket Launcher was always a favorite of mine so I still like throwing it in the deck. with the BF and Han I should be making enough money to get some use out of it. Handheld L-S1 Cannon has been one of my favorite cards of the new set, so much bang for your buck. Any other suggestions would be appreciated!

Let’s go Poe Han!

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