Guns and Roses

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I Fight Dragons 474

Travis Fights Dragons' Han/Rey Deck

Gain lots of actions and do lots of damage quickly, leaving little room for your opponent to react, all while being extremely difficult to kill through solid shield generation and dice control.

Basic tips and tricks:

-Playing a Holdout Blaster or DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol on Rey allows you to activate a character and resolve what you roll without your opponent being able to control your dice. You can chain these ambush attachments for extra actions if need be. (Han always shoots first)

-You almost always want to choose your battlefield when given the choice.

-Remember you can over-write upgrades to play new ones. If you are playing with your battlefield, you can then get your ambush upgrades, Hunker Down, or Second Chance back when they are discarded in this way.

-Mulligan for impactful upgrades like Holdout Blaster, Hunker Down, or Jetpack; as well as Infamous.

-Hunker Down is not removed by melee damage unless it goes through your shields, making it extra juicy in a heavy shield deck.

-Your most impactful late game upgrades are DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol, Force Throw, Second Chance and One with The Force

-If they focus Rey, you can punish with burst damage from Han Solo's dice and Riposte using Han's excess shields. If they focus Han, they leave you open to extra action plays while also targeting the harder to kill target.

-Be wary of large amounts of burst damage and cards like Intimidate and On the Hunt. Against these cards, it's best to save some shield generation until after they are used to re-establish your defense.

12 comentários

IronLion333 1

Nice deck! Was thinking of something similar for my first hero deck, unfortunately I didn't crack a Han in prerelease.

I'm assuming the battlefield is Starship Graveyard? It's not listed.

I Fight Dragons 474

Starship Graveyard is indeed the correct battlefield. Unfortunately it seems I cannot easily update the list at this time, but hopefully it's obvious enough in the description.

H3pat1tvsJ 37

You have to edit the deck and repost it. You can't edit the published decks.

I'm dying to play this archetype! Just need to pull 2 Han Solo, a second DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol, a second, Jetpack, and one One with The Force

logspga 25

I dig the damage this deck can output. But i have a observation, wouldn't Hyperspace Jump end the action phase right away before you can do a big dice resolution?

Darkdistroi 1

My assumption is that Hyperspace Jump Is a one of for the sake of getting through dead draws or dangerous turns that could otherwise get you killed before you come online.

I Fight Dragons 474

@logspgano ruling as of yet on the interaction of Hyperspace Jump and ambush that I am aware of; but considering how additional actions work with claiming, it might be possible to continue taking actions after the fact.

@Darkdistroiit also gets you your battlefield if you went second, which is a huge boon to this deck.

Wex_Awn 1

@I Fight DragonsIn regards to hyperspace jump and ambush, As hyperspace jump ends the action phase, I would assume that the ambush "fizzles" and does not occur; However, until a ruling is available, by all means go for it.

Also, I might consider going Mos Eisley Spaceport instead of star ship graveyard and hunker down. While I will admit I need to play test this before I come to any final conclusion, gaining a resource for bouncing hunker down (assuming its not killed) is a huge tempo swing if there's not any disruption shenanigans. Also, infiltrate is a 1 cost yellow upgrade that works similarly and can be easily included as well as or instead of hunker down with the added bonus of giving another die to roll every round. Assuming you're trying to get the shield from hunker down when you play it, you're essentially losing 1 action for one shield where infiltrate requires no such loss, has a 1/6 chance to gain that same shield, AND has a 1/3 chance to reroll any two dice. While it may be a little less consistent in terms of survivability, you save an action, gain a dice and will have a more forgiving early game should you wiff on the hunker down and/or infamous as you can get the double trigger for one resource a turn with a holdout blaster. I really think the early tempo gain and consistency is better with MES. Also, its something very few opponents will actually use outside of a mirror match where starship graveyard opens up discarding upgrades for rerolls consistently.

Next, 1-2 diplomatic immunity is a massive threat that must be dealt with. If you can get one in play, your shield situation for Rey is almost nonexistent. You should average 1.667 shields a turn from it and it will work no matter who they focus. When your opponent deals with it, thats most likely a Han damage die they're not taking off the table. Essentially, you're forcing your opponent to choose whether they take less damage or you prevent more... Either way they lose.

Lastly, I think "All In" is almost an auto include in this archetype. Sure its grey and doesn't have ambush... Actually, it's a better ambush. While you might not gain a Han shield, being able to resolve all your various active dice during a Rey double trigger with the 2nd action means that your opponent cannot deal with anything. This is another finishing blow card. Also, should you lose Rey, it's still usable unlike use the force. I still like use the force but I'm tempted to run it as a 1 of.

A few other cards I like for it: Street informants - know what your opponent can do every round. Slows you down but allows you to anticipate their every move. Definitely a worth while trade off. Shoot First - Ambush, resolve a range damage die and remove an opponents range damage. Amazing control. Cunning - This cards special is practically a win condition by itself. 1/6 chance to use the best sp die ability in the battlefield? Sold! maybe just a 1 of since Han is the only character that can use it.

I Fight Dragons 474

@Wex_AwnThanks for the extended reply, mate. The reason for Starship Graveyard is recursion of abusive attachments like Second Chance, Hunker Down, and ambush attachments for Rey and to make cycling attachments a great way to get those late game upgrades out with little tempo loss.

Diplomatic Immunity was a 1 of in the deck and a very solid card, it just doesn't end the game quickly and I wanted more pressure. Too many 4 cost cards can really hurt your ability to play stuff however, so be wary. You can easily cut Hyperspace Jump for it.

All in is not that great in this deck with the exception of when One with the Force is on a focus, allowing you to set a bunch of dice to ranged damage and resolve all at once. The reason I don't run all in is most of the damage comes from ranged sides and all in doesn't exactly help me do damage faster. Additionally, a similar effect can be obtained from an ambush attachment on Rey, albeit not as strong. Finally, it costs 1 in a pretty resource tight deck. if I have to spend a resource, I want it to do something more than save me an action or sometimes two. Cards like Negotiate are a good bar to measure towards.

Street informants is cute, but you should play around most effects anyways just based on what your opponent is playing and how many resources they have. Often it just confirms the tricks you should already know about at all times. Still, with Han it's a free shield with small bonus effect.

As for Shoot First, I just prefer Deflect honestly. Both cards do essentially the same thing and I probably wouldn't include more than one unless ranged damage is heavy in the meta. Shoot first is clunkier to set up, but is ambush. Deflect is fire and forget, but doesn't have the action compression of shoot first. It's a preference, I think.

Cunning is a great card, but at 2 cost I wouldn't play it over just about any other attachment I could have in my hand since this deck has very little synergy for it. I feel it is much stronger in a villain yellow/blue deck or a hero one with more special sides than Force Throw and Jetpack.

Thanks for the feedback!

Yodalf 25

I really like this deck type, but I only pulled the 1 Han. I made do and built a Elite Leia and Reg Han deck though that does some similar things, and I love playing it. I published it under Big Mama if you want to have a look. There are things like your 2nd Jet pack and Han's blaster that I really like and will have to try and add when I get them. Deck looks solid.

I Fight Dragons 474

Updated FAQ/RRG definitely implies Hyperspace Jump does not net you additional actions with ambush but can still give you a shield for Han, removed from tips.

rmohler 591

I'm curious about the decision to use Defensive Stance over Jedi Robes. Even with a somewhat weak die and extra cost, I feel like I'd prefer the extra action granted by attaching the robes to Rey. If you're really in a bind, you could put Jedi Robes on Rey for free by removing a 2 cost upgrade, but you'd have to be in a dire situation to consider that.

Clucas 51

There are so many ways to play this deck and think players should try out and play what work for them, i play this with other cards and put some in and take other out to try and find whats best for my play style ;-)